Monday, May 21, 2012

Day Six - The Rejections

Here it is Monday and the start of a new work week - EXCEPT FOR ME!

Usually be this time I would be on my second cup of coffee at work and busy answering emails. I couldn't drag myself out of bed until 10:04 AM. Not sure if it was the dreary rain outside or me wallowing in my own self pity of not having a job. Well, need to get my ass out of bed and onto the computer. Isn't like opportunity will knock at my door or anything.


Lets take a look in the old email folder and see what joy it has for me. Here are my normal daily Job posting updates, some personal sites notifications and a couple rejection emails. I am now up to 3 of these rejections.

Yep, if you are lucky enough, you will get these lovely written emails. They are kind enough to let you know that you are a nice person, but not cool enough (from your resume) for the position you applied for. Though this is a sad reminder of your worth, it does give you knowledge that you won't be getting this job - FUCK ME!

With the kind words of 'NO', they do offer you a link to their open positions and some hope that you will find something that fits you better.

Here are some examples of their kind words from a couple emails I received.

Again, we sincerely appreciate your interest in "Insert Company name here" and for allowing us to consider you for employment. We wish you much success in your career pursuits.


I would like to thank you for your interest in "Insert Company name here" and we wish you every personal and professional success with your job search and in the future. 

YES - wish me well, keep me motivated for that job that YOU know is out their for me. Sorry, a little too much cynicism, I now, but this is actually how we all feel, so don't kid yourself.

Better open the other emails as see if any new jobs popped up that I need to apply to.

Here is an interesting blog on this issue and how to best handle it: Careerealism

Jobless Cartoon of the Day

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