For anyone living on unemployment in Maryland, you know what Webcert is. This is where we enter our information to qualify for unemployment insurance. It is very quick and painless to do this as you can see by the screenshot of the information here.
You only need to deal with 4 main questions and then click the submit button. What I found interesting was that you submit for your initial week, then you file every 2 weeks there after. I guess this saves the DLLR from having to review these as often and saving taxpayer dollars.
I am actually looking into free online training by a site called Alison. It is free to join and seems to be a great way to get re-certified on some things. I will have to try this and let you all know how it goes.
I am alsolooking forward to getting my first 'Debit Card' payment so I can actually flip this around to be a Direct Deposit. It will be much easier that way to pay bills.
Jobless Cartoon of the Day
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